Mar 17, 2023
Title: Glycan microassays - much needed tools to unravel microbe-host interactions
3月17日周五,伦敦时间下午5点30分,地址伦敦大学学院(UCL)Wilkins Building (Main Building) JBR,全英华人生命科学学会与全英华人教授协会医学组将联合举办线下学术讲座。
本次讲座我们荣幸地邀请到了帝国理工学院医学院(Faculty of Medicine, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction)的Yan Liu博士,报告题目为:Glycan microarrays - much needed tools to unravel microbe-host interactions。
CLSS&ABCP medicine and health Joint Seminars 由帝国理工大学马大青院士、伦敦大学学院李会良教授、伦敦女王玛丽大学陈桂芬老师协调组织,欢迎各位专家积极参与。
Dr Yan Liu is a lecturer in Glycosciences in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London. Yan Liu is a chemist by training. Following a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry at Peking University, China, she undertook her Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Bristol under the guidance of Professor Tim Gallagher. Yan joined the Glycosciences Laboratory directed by Professor Ten Feizi at Imperial College in 2005 as one of the postdoc researchers funded by the UK Glycoarray Consortium. Since then her career has been largely centred on the development and applications of glycan microarrays to elucidate glycan recognition events of biomedical importance. Her most significant achievement to date is the setting up of the Carbohydrate Microarray Facility which has become a unique international collaborative resource for the broad scientific community. Over the last 15 years she has coordinated projects on glycan recognition by proteins and pathogens with over 120 researchers in the UK and abroad and over 76 research publications. She is the PI of the 4-year Wellcome Trust Biomedical Resource Grant (£1.34M) entitled 'Carbohydrate Microarray Facility for the New Era of Glycomics' and is actively contributing to the development of the international glycan microarray data repository and GlycoInteractome bioinformatics resource.
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University College London
Gower St, London WC1E 6AE
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