19th CLSS-UK Annual Meeting Successfully Held in Oxford
(Oxford, 21 September 2013)
The 19th Chinese Life Science Society UK (CLSS-UK) annual meeting was successfully held on 21st September 2013 in the Old Road Campus at the University of Oxford. Over 150 Chinese academics and students from various regions of the UK attended the meeting.
The meeting commenced with opening speeches from Prof Andrew Hamilton, the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, and Mr Shen Yang, the Education Minister Councilor of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, and was hosted by Oxford Donald Pollock Statue Professor Zhanfeng Cui, a Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the CLSS-UK.

The Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University
Prof Andrew Hamilton
The Education Minister Councilor of the Chinese Embassy in the UK
Mr Yang Shen
Oxford Donald Pollock Professor
CLSS-UK President
Prof Zhanfeng Cui
Prof Hamilton led the audience to relive 900 years of Oxford history through its international outlook and on the multicultural group of students and faculty staff. Oxford has many institutions and collaborations across the globe with a presence of more than 40,000 alumni worldwide. He specifically cited Prof Zihe Rao, the member of Chinese Academy of Science and former president of Nankai University, and Prof George Gao as the outstanding Chinese alumni representative. He then addressed the long stretching exchange between Oxford and China since the 17th Century, recalling the evolution of China’s language and culture, in Oxford’s education system since the early 20th Century. Prof Hamilton believes the Oxford University Press possessed a unique character in fostering this relationship and quotes Mr Yuanchao Li, the Vice President of PRC and member of Politburo, and his talk about Oxford as a strong confirmation for its special relation with China.
Mr Yang Shen then offered his opening speech by tracing the established relationship between CLSS-UK and the education section of the Embassy of China. He stated that CLSS-UK, as a highly specialized organization, has made very special contributions to the life sciences and collaborations in life-science and biotechnology between China and the UK during the past 19 years. After liaising with the attendees he is excited that the team of Chinese scholars and students in the life sciences has been further strengthened and is expecting further contributions from Chinese researchers in this field.
Prof Zhanfeng Cui, the host of the opening ceremony, expressed the great success of this meeting and passed his deepest gratitude to the local organizing committee on behalf of CLSS-UK.

Director General of Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health of Chinese Academy of Science
Prof Duanqing Pei
Oxford Molecular Biology Professor
Prof Terry Rabbitts
The conference invited keynote speaker Prof Duanqing Pei, the Director General of Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health of Chinese Academy of Science, with Oxford molecular biology Prof Terry Rabbitts and 10 other Chinese researchers who have made achievements in biotechnology and the life sciences in the UK to present the special talks on the recent progresses in research.

A number of excellent, young Chinese scholars
briefly introduced their research with innovative methodologies
As a special guest of the conference Prof Duanqing Pei, who is well-known for the discovery of vitamin C’s effect on the induction of pluripotent stem (iPS) cells by 100-1000 fold, took this opportunity to share his recent achievements. Another keynote speaker, Prof Terry Rabbitts, also introduced his latest discovery on modeling consequences of chromosomal translocations in cancer and methods for protein-protein interaction inhibitor development. In addition to the two keynote speakers, Dr. Jilong Liu, Dr Shengjiang Tan, Dr Luzheng Xue, Dr Chengcan Yao, Dr Xiaoli Xiong, Dr Huiliang Li, Dr Paul Lu, Dr Pengtao Liu, Dr. Xia Zhidao and Dr Bing Zhang, and a number of excellent, young Chinese scholars briefly introduced their research with innovative methodologies.

A fellow of the academy of medical sciences, Prof Xin LU, held a joint panel on career development with a fellow of the royal academy of engineering, Prof Zhanfeng Cui
A Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Prof Xin LU, held a joint panel on career development with a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Prof Zhanfeng Cui. They shared their personal experiences and career portfolios that led to their scientific achievements, encouraging people to actively explore and discover outside of their field and to carefully plan their career. The light tone of the panel and the added humor brought the meeting to a climax.

Selected 12 outstanding DPhil students offered a brief academic talk
which covered many fields within the life sciences

A few students were awarded
the “Outstanding Poster Award” or “Best Oral Presentation Award”
Among many applications received the local organizing committee selected 12 outstanding DPhil students to give a brief academic talk which covered many fields within the life sciences. Furthermore two poster sessions were held where 13 excellent academic posters were shown. The session served as an effective platform for new doctoral students to demonstrate their talent. Six students were awarded the “Outstanding Poster Award” and “Best Oral Presentation Award”.
Finally, Professor Xin Lu gave closing remarks, addressing her gratitude and thanks to the local organizing committee.

Programme of the 19th CLSS-UK Annual Meeting can be downloaded from here.
Chinese Life Scientists Society in UK (CLSS-UK) was founded in 1992, devoting itself to build a link between life and bio-medical scientists in UK and China. Now CLSS-UK is the only organization in the United Kingdom that represents all the Chinese scientists in life and bio-medical fields from mainland China and it has become one of the most important professional organizations within the Chinese community. CLSS-UK has amongst its members some of the best academics, scientists, clinicians, and students from all over the UK as well as from China with membership increasing annually.

Group photo of CLSS-UK 19th annual meeting
Reporter: Mr Cheng Ge
Editor: Mr Atsushi Takagi
Photographer: Mr Yunli Song
CLSS-UK Conference Chair: Prof Zhanfeng Cui
Advisors: Prof Zhenming Chen, Prof Xin Lu
Co-Chairs: Dr Tao Dong, Dr Jilong Liu,
Coordinator: Dr Yingjie Wang
Organizing Committee: Dr Leyuan Bao, Dr Liye Chen, Dr Shan Gao, Dr Wenchao Gu, Ms Elizabeth Huang, Mr Yuan Jenq Lui, Mr Jing Zhang, Jia Zeng, Hong Guo-Parke, Li-Chieh Huang, Xi Li, Ms Yanchun Peng, Linghang Wang, Ms Wenwen Xu
The following invited guests attended CLSS-UK 19th annual meeting:
Prof Andrew HAMILTON (FRS) Vice-Chancellor of University of Oxford
Mr Yang SHEN Education Minister Councilor of Chinese Embassy in the UK
Madam Li YAN The First Secretary of Chinese Embassy in the UK
Prof Zhanfeng CUI (FREng) CLSS-UK President and
Donald Pollock Statue Professor of Oxford
Prof Xin LU (FMedSci) Director of Ludwig Cancer Research Institute Oxford University
Prof Qingbo XU BHF John Parker Chair of Cardiovascular Science of King’s College London
Prof Wen WANG President-Elected of CLSS-UK,
Dean for Research (Faculty of Science & Engineer) of Queen Mary University
Prof Terry RABBITTS Professor of Molecular Biology of Oxford University (WIMM)
Prof Duanqing PEI Director General of Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health of Chinese Academy of Science
Prof Xuerong XING Deputy Director of Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof Xiaoyun XU Professor of Bio-fluid Mechanics of Imperial College London
Prof Tiantian ZHANG Head of Graduate School of Bournemouth University
Prof Xiongzhong RUAN Assistant President of Chongqing Medical University
Prof Bing SONG Royal Society University Research Fellow of Cardiff University
Dr Xin FANG CLSS-UK Secretary-In-General and Neurosolutions Ltd Scientist
Dr Xuebin DONG CLSS-UK Chief Treasurer and Cardiovascular Physiologist of King’s College London
The Chinese Life Science Society in the UK expresses greatest gratitude to our sponsors for their contribution and support.
The Education Section of Chinese Embassy in the UK,
HIT School of Life Science and Technology,
Promega Ltd,
2B Scientific Ltd,
BioLine Ltd,
GenScript Ltd,
PCL Ltd,
Axol Ltd,
Suzhou Industrial Park,
Zhongguancun Science Park,
Nanjing Jiangning High-Tech Industrial Park

英国华人生命科学学会(CLSS-UK) 是英国唯一一个代表中国大陆华裔生命科学及生物医学领域科研工作者的组织,自1992年成立至今历经20载,致力于搭建中英生物医学及生命科学之间的沟通桥梁。为中英生命科学的发展做出了积极卓越的贡献,同时为全英华人科学家、青年学者、学生提供了一个良好的沟通学习平台。目前学会成员已有5000余人,会员组成涵盖了生命科学各个领域,从英国最顶尖的院士、科学家、临床医生到学生,还包括一部分目前已回到中国的资深学者,而CLSS-UK这一队伍仍在不断壮大。我们诚挚欢迎生物医学领域各个专业的专家学者以及学生加入我们的行列!

Sir Nicholas Montagu 玛丽女王学院董事会主席
沈阳先生 中国驻英大使馆 公使衔教育参赞
闫丽女士 中国驻英大使馆 一等秘书
王文教授 英国华人生命科学学会主席、 伦敦大学玛丽女王理工学院院长 生物医学工程教授
徐晓芸教授 英国帝国理工大学 英国华人生命科学学会候任主席 流体生物学教授
徐清波教授 英国伦敦大学国王学院 BHF心血管医学双席教授
崔占峰教授 皇家工程院院士 牛津大学生物医学工程研究所教授
叶曙教授 英国伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Barts医学院教授
赵岚博士 英国帝国理工大学 医学博士
安实教授 中国哈尔滨工业大学副校长
李钰教授 中国哈尔滨工业大学生命科学学院院长
穆永国先生 中国哈尔滨工业大学人力资源部部长
阮雄中教授 英国伦敦大学学院及附属皇家自由医院
胡艳华博士 英国伦敦大学国王学院 心血管高级研究员
曾灵芳博士 英国伦敦大学国王学院 心血管高级讲师
以下单位及公司对CLSS-UK 20届年会给予了关注和支持,特此鸣谢:
19th CLSS-UK Annual Conference Welcoming Dinner Successfully Held in Oxford
(St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford,20 September 2013)
The 19th Chinese Life Science Society UK (CLSS-UK) conference Welcoming Dinner was successfully held on 20st September 2013 in the St Hugh’s College at the University of Oxford. Over 100 Chinese academics and students from various regions of the UK attended the welcoming dinner.

During the dinner, the Oxford Donald Pollock Statue Professor Zhanfeng Cui, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the CLSS-UK, expressed his warm welcome and sincere thanks to everyone on behalf of the CLSS-UK.

CLSS-UK President, Oxford Donald Pollock Statue Professor Zhanfeng Cui
giving his welcoming speech
During the welcoming speech Prof Cui stated that the CLSS-UK, as an interdisciplinary professional society, contributed a great extent to the collaborations in both the life-science and biotechnology fields between China and the UK. Since its foundation in 1992 various partners such as the education section of the Chinese Embassy and other organizations and companies have offered generous support to the CLSS-UK. In recent years the number of Chinese researchers in both life-science and biotechnology fields has dramatically increased, helping to make the CLSS-UK one of the most active Chinese professional societies.
As the CLSS-UK president, Prof Cui sincerely urged the audience to actively utilize this great opportunity to exchange their academic knowledge and broaden their vision for state-of-art technologies in both the life-science and biotechnology fields. Prof Cui addressed the society’s heartfelt gratitude to its long-term contributors: the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy, School of Life Science and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Promega, 2B Scientific, BioLine, GenScript, PrimeCellLine, Axol, Suzhou Industrial Park, Nanjing Jiangning High-Tech Industrial Park and Zhongguancun Science Park. Finally Prof Cui thanked Dr Jilong Liu, Dr Tao Dong, Dr Yingjie Wang, Mr Oliver Lui, Mr Cheng Ge, Mr Yunli Song and many other volunteers for their help in organizing this fruitful conference.
The welcoming dinner was hosted by MRC Functional Genomics Unit Leader, Dr Jilong Liu, who is also the Co-Chair of the local organizing committee.
Reporter: Mr Cheng Ge
Editor: Atsushi Takagi
Photographer: Mr Yunli Song

19TH CLSS-UK Meeting
The 19th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK (CLSS-UK 2013)
The 19th annual meeting of the Chinese Life Scientists Society in the UK (CLSS-UK) will be held in Oxford on 20th-21st September 2013. On behalf of the CLSS-UK, we are delighted to invite all Chinese students and scholars who are currently studying or working in life sciences in the UK to attend this conference. This meeting intends to provide a platform for all of us to exchange ideas, share experience, and establish collaborations not only with each other but also with colleagues in China. Students, scientists and clinicians from Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong are also welcome.
Date: 20th-21st September 2013
Venue: Richard Doll Building, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7LF
Registration: CLSS-UK 2013 website (
Welcome from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford;
Keynote lectures given by first-class scientists from the UK and China;
Invited lectures given by outstanding Chinese scientists in the UK and USA covering a wide range of research fields;
Career development in academia and industry;
Opportunity to present your own project and get feedback from others;
Exhibition of state-of-the-art research and biomedical products;
Oxford formal dinner in college with senior members
As part of the tradition, we particularly encourage young students and scientists to join the meeting by offering travel grants and prizes for the best oral and poster presentations. We cordially invite you to submit abstracts and register online before 1st September (click here) to attend the meeting and make CLSS-UK 2013 a great success. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Oxford in September.
Yours sincerely,
CLSS-UK 2013 Organising Committee