21st CLSS-UK Meeting
Abstract Guidelines
Venue Information
Accommodation on campus

The 21st CLSS-UK Annual Meeting
28th August, 2015, London, UK

Dear All,
I am pleased to invite you to attend the 21st CLSS-UK annual conference, to be held on Friday 28th August 2015 in Sir Alexander Fleming Building at Imperial College London, South Kensington, London.

Registration: The online registration is now open and the registration fee is £10 for students and £40 for staff. Payment methods of credit/debit card and cheque are available on the registration webpage. If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please contact jia.li105@imperial.ac.uk for bank details.
Call for abstracts: We welcome abstracts for both oral and poster presentations in any branches of life sciences. Submissions from students and early stage researchers are particularly encouraged and a number of prizes will be awarded to the best presentations. Abstract guidelines with an example is here and abstract submission deadline is Monday 3rd August 2015.
Conference dinner: The conference dinner will be held in the Queen’s Tower Room and the cost is £20 per person.
Travel: please click the link below
Accommodation on campus: please click the link below
We would very much appreciate it if you could circulate this letter to your colleagues and friends who are interested in attending the conference.
If you have any inquiries, please contact Dr Jia Li (Secretary of CLSS-UK) on jia.li105@imperial.ac.uk
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Prof Xiao Yun Xu
President of CLSS-UK